Wallace & Wallace Healing Center
The Wallace and Wallace Healing Center (WWHC) is a faith-based holistic healing center that incorporates clinical mental health services and clinical aromatherapy services to help you alleviate stress and pursue optimal wellness.
Wallace and Wallace Healing Center: Where we encourage you toward mental and relational health, emotional wellness, physical soundness and spiritual wholeness.
Support Group Therapy
Dear Client,
Welcome to Wallace and Wallace Healing Center.
As you may have heard, we are offering a Suppprt Group Therapy Session that is a closed group and will be held In-person on Mondays from 5:00-6:30pm EST starting Monday January 6/2025 - Monday February 24/2025 for 8 weeks at the Wallace and Wallace Healing Center.
While our general focus is trauma healing, specifically this group is aimed at women seeking healing from trauma which has occurred in the family unit. However, women seeking support and healing from various traumas are welcomed.
Please fill out your Registration information here or by clicking this link: https://forms.gle/wg2B1kioyBFU6oX68. Your down-deposit payment can be made by e-transfer to
aernestwallace@wallaceandwallacehealingcenter.ca once you have filled out this Form to secure your spot. Please note space is extremely limitedand group members will be accepted on a first come, first serve basis.
This deposit will go towards covering your first session.
Please understand that the Registration Form alone is not securing your spot. Payment must also be remitted.
The Cost is $85/session and can be paid in advanced or at the end of each session.
Finally, please bring a journal and pen to take notes during the session if you wish.
Please do not hesitate to ask any questions.
Thank you and kind regards,
Wallace and Wallace Intro
Our welcome to you...

We encourage you towards mental health, emotional wellness, physical soundness & spiritual wholeness
Are you looking for natural ways to take care of your health? Do you need help navigating difficult emotional or relational issues? Then allow Wallace and Wallace Healing Center to walk with you toward wellness. We are here to help you with clinical mental health or clinical aromatherapy services.

Welcome to Wallace & Wallace Healing Center
Learn More About Our Services:
Pursuing Emotional & Mental Health. Click below to learn more about the many clinical mental health services we offer. All Services are offered in-person or via online video platform.
Clinical Aromatherapy
Around here, we like to say "Creator has given us everything we need to take care of ourselves." Pure and potent essential oils, along with herbalism and healing touch can help you move toward wellness.

Our Team
Our heart is to see you be the best version of yourself. To that end, we try to be our best version as well. We do this by leaning into who we have been created to be.
Both founders have served people in healing modalities for many years on college campuses, church congregations, and nonprofit organizations. Seeing an increasing need for these services around us, we decided to offer our services to a wider context.
We offer to you A path toward wellness.
Contact Us Today to Learn More About Our Services:

Land Acknowledgement
We acknowledge that the land on which we gather is the traditional territory of the Attawandaron, Anishinaabeg, Haudenosaunee, and Lunaapeewak peoples who have longstanding relationships to the land, water and region of southwestern Ontario. The local First Nation communities of this area include Chippewas of the Thames First Nation, Oneida Nation of the Thames, and Munsee-Delaware Nation. Additionally, there is a growing urban Indigenous population who make the City of London home. We value the significant historical and contemporary contributions of local and regional First Nations of Turtle Island (North America) and commit to growing in relationship with them. We strive to learn about and lean into Treaty 6 upon which the City of London was established.